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I, SANDRA CHADWICK MUSSEY, as far as I am personally able, determine to help prevent present and succeeding generations from the torment of war and terrorism. Catastrophic conflicts in my lifetime, since World War II, have increased escalating suffering and sorrow to humanity. After the profound anguish to my nation on September 11th, 2001, it is overwhelming realizing there are presently more than thirty wars occurring on our planet earth causing grave uncertainty to the international world. I promise within this light to uphold the values of love and kindness.

I reaffirm my faith in fundamental human rights, and in the dignity and worth of the individual person, and in the shared responsibility for the well being of the human family and the larger living world. I have learned through my humanitarian work with refugees, with callers in crisis on the County Hotline phones, and through my work as an international Intuition Trainer, Intuitive Consultant, and Expressive Arts Facilitator, that offering insightful guidance and training creates conditions where justice, respect and peaceful problem solving can prevail on our planet earth. I wish to continue presenting improved tools for personal and international communication, which can inspire and lead to bonding and connection in personal relationships and lead to cross cultural solidarity and unity in community.

I wish to promote healing understanding for social progress and I affirm a vision of higher standards of living and greater freedom for all people. I wish to help those whom I serve to uncover their personal soul needs. I wish to support the concerns, rights, dreams and gifts of the people with whom I work and to assist further their living in joy and peace the sacred life of their dreams.

Ultimately I vow to practice and model empathy, tact, tolerance, and gracious respect for all human souls and to practice living in peace as a good neighbor and member of the human family.

I promise to unite my strengths and insights with leaders, healers and peacemakers and to preserve and support international peace and security. I wish to ensure acceptance of what is good, true, beautiful, wise, just and sacred. I believe by promoting compassion, insight and integrity that personal transformation occurs and that the human family advances socially, economically and spiritually.

Sandra Chadwick Mussey

Copyright, 2013, Sandra Chadwick Mussey, all rights reserved. May not be reprinted without permission.

Last Updated 3/11/13

Sandra can be contacted at

P.O. Box 574

Fairfax, CA 94978


